Letter TO: Family & Friends
Hello family, friend, acquaintance or my local brother,
Regardless of how we know each other, know that I value our relationship and that it is evident because I am writing this to you now. So where have I been and what have I been doing. Well let’s go over a short summary of the last year of my life.
In January I realized something was wrong with my neck and shoulders while I was working my job as a Lineman in the air. I ended up not being able to feel my arms in the air, they went completely numb so I removed myself from going into the air until I could figure out what was going on. Very difficult. By February I realized that whatever was wrong with my arms/shoulders/neck was not going to be going away. I needed to seek help. After meeting with the doctor I was sent for a rush MRI which showed I was inches away from being paralyzed. My doctor explained my injuries were caused by my work and the position that lineman work in, he stated I needed immediate surgery.
Like any normal person that doesn’t want to be cut, I went for a second opinion at the University of Penn. They also confirmed I needed immediate surgery but they were all amazed that I wasn’t already paralyzed based on my MRI results. They actually called other doctors to look in amazement at me like I was a circus monkey. Not the kind of amazement you want from your doctor.
By April I was in the hospital, IV in my arm receiving my emergency surgery. Scary. The doctor explained my future limitations and the risks of making an effort at continuing my former career as a lineman (heartbreaking). This really shook me because as anyone who knows me understands, I really enjoyed being a lineman. I enjoyed the challenge, physicality of the work and the extreme nature of the job.
By May I was recovering, so Lisa and I discussed the very big possibility that I would not be able to go back to line work. We then discussed what our other options were, what other things I could do and had a passion for. How would I be able to provide for my family from this point on?
My uncle Gary Panter who recently passed away of cancer, had always been someone I looked up to. He had a deep desire to help people. I have great memories of helping him with various projects that he was doing to help others. He would say yes to help people with things even if he didn’t know how but would figure it out along the way. When he got into Real Estate I really got to see him shine, helping people find the homes of their dreams and guiding them through the entire process with grace, love and care. So everyone I meet that knew him tells me I remind them of him. What an honor. So humbling. His desire to serve created a burning desire within me to help people the same way. I admired him and wanted to serve people in that way too.
I decided to follow in his footsteps, educate myself to become a professional in the field which has enabled me to serve others with excellence. I enrolled in Real Estate training, studied hard and passed my exam with flying colors on the first try(over 60% do not pass the first time). I furthered my training and schooling by taking Ethics courses and being certified by the National Association of Realtor®’s, an organization that holds a select few to a higher standard in how they conduct their Real Estate activities. I became a Fiduciary to my clients, bound by law to be Loyal, Keep Confidentiality, Disclose everything I find to my clients, to show Care and be diligent and to keep good accounting practices. This oath reminds me of when I was in the IBEW Union. Everyday I took the concept that “I am my brothers keeper” seriously. I made sure to keep my pole buddy safe so that at the end of the day he/she could go home to their families and I to mine. I translate that commitment to being a Realtor®. I give my all to serve that person and make sure I am protecting them from things that can harm them. Guiding them through the process, instructing and protecting along the way. Celebrating with them. My clients first.
I’ve been through Code of Ethics training, extra Real Estate Training and extra training from the huge support team at Robert Slack LLC where I’ve chosen to hang my Real Estate License. Yes chosen. They do the right things even when no one is watching and that is whom I chose to link forces with.
September comes and I loaded up our belongings in a big Penske truck and took the two day trip down to Naples, FL. Closed the next day and moved in the day after.
So now you have a better understanding of how the Stem family got to Naples, FL and why we chose to serve others in Real Estate. I’ve spent my whole life serving others whether it by my full time career serving at many churches, my over 20 years of serving as a youth leader in many youth organizations, my love of training the younger generation up in the IBEW N.E.A.T. apprenticeship or my lifelong love of helping others use technology to make their lives more simple. I’m sure my love of sharing technology has not surprised any of you. Serving others is now my full time job. I am asking you for your support. I am asking you for your help to build my reach and to enable me to help as many people as I can, navigate the sometimes tumultuous waters of buying and selling real estate.
So please friend and follow me on Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/napleswade). Friend and follow me on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wadestem/). Tweet me and follow me on Twitter (https://twitter.com/wadestem). Link me on Linked-In (https://www.linkedin.com/in/wadestem/). Check my website at www.wadestem.com (About Me) and www.beyond-closing.com (Real Estate Help) and www.myhelpguy.com (Tech Help & Services) and my wife’s site clean.beyond-closing.com (Rental Cleaning).
Don’t be a stranger. Keep me front of mind if you think there is someone I can help. Help me in my new career to support my family while doing what I love….helping people. Enable me to help other people. Give me a chance to serve you, your family, your friends, and beyond.
I promise to treat each person you refer to me as a V.I.P. because thats the way I want to be treated.
Wade Stem
Realtor® & Friend
Helping you…Well Beyond-Closing
Wade Stem
REALTOR® | Robert Slack, LLC
Phone: (239) 977-8100
Mobile: 305-771-1223
Email: wade.stem@gmail.com
Website: www.beyond-closing.com